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Leaders who find themselves in this block can be a lot of talk and little action. These can sometimes be the extroverts which can appear initially to have significant influence. They can sometimes fall into a habit of over-promising and under-delivering.
There is a short window when this is tolerated because most of us are hopeful with someone new. We tend to excuse why they might be lacking in credibility. At times these managers are moved from department to department with HR hoping the right “fit” will eventually be found. Most people don’t intend to find themselves in this block. Sometimes their inexperience or passion gets in the way.
These people will usually course correct once they become aware of the perception. I encourage these leaders to BE PURPOSEFUL. Make more of an effort to under-promise and over-deliver. Be careful of using overly expressive language which inflates expectations. Do the work needed to build additional credibility.
So what should you do next? Download my new free ebook to guide you on the 3 Powerful Ways to Clarify Your Personal Branding Journey....