Perhaps you are reading this blog post as you dash to the next meeting, catch the next flight or right before you present before the next group. Feel breathless? Is your heart beating a little fast? Do you find you are walking quickly by others with little time to say hello?
Leaders often underestimate the impact of the non-verbal messages they send every single day. Many are shocked to learn how people interpret a myriad of signals. Do they really notice all of that, they ask?
Yes, yes they do.
Let me introduce you to the 10% rule. A simple concept made popular by executive presence guru, Jeff Black. There is great power in simplicity. Take a look –
Then ask yourself, could I benefit from moving just 10% more slowly today? You will be pleasantly surprised at what it does for your executive presence.
Remember, small actions have BIG impact. Don’t make things harder than they have to be.