6 Career Blind Spots Holding
Your Success Hostage

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During This LIVE EVENT Here Is What You Will Discover...

Discover the common blindspots that are keeping your career stuck with this hands-on workshop

  • 1

    How to Steer Your Career (Even When You're Crazy Busy)

    You're busy with the million things on your plate, but will it pay off? Unfortunately your busy-ness may actually be at the heart of what's keeping your career stuck. I'll show you how to get off the hamster wheel once and for all.

  • 2

    Why Did "It" Happen To Me?!

    You work so hard - so why did it happen to you? Why did you get passed over for that promotion, a raise, or even get let go? I'll break down the common "why me" career moments and how to keep them from happening to you.

  • 3

    What Lack of "Career Consciousness" Is REALLY Costing You

    How much has lack of career consciousness been costing? I'll show you how to take control of your career and take advantage of the opportunities you may have been missing.

“I was great at my job but I was STUCK thinking like an individual contributor. Kim shifted my brand to executive leader. Now I am well respected and many want to work for me.

This is powerful stuff!”

S. K.
Healthcare industry – 33